12-14 maja 2023




WEDOS Internet, a.s.


Data publikacji:


The company WEDOS is a South Bohemian webhosting and cloud service provider. It was founded in 2010 and in only 31 months it became the biggest provider of webhosting services in Czech Republic. 

We can offer an all-you-need solution for a smooth operation of your e-shop (domains, web hosting with installation of your favorite e-shop apps, network protection, cloud storage and so much more). 

We have two of our own private datacenters, where are only our servers and technologies. One of our most significant inovation is oil cooling in our second datacenter, which allows us to decrease our power consumption and at the same time increases reliability of our servers. And exactly on these servers, whom are cooled by oil now runs our new service WEDOS Global, which will protect you from web attacks and will help your business to succeed.

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